knowledge Based Articles
Release 15th April, 2023
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Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Onboarding 1.0
Earlier we were only supporting Onboarding 2.0 on our platform. We are pleased to announce that we have now added support for Onboarding 1.0. This module consists of eight worksheets: Corp Structure, Form, Form Fields, Notifications, Panels and Panel Elements, Security Group and Security Users.
· Corp Structure
(https://storage.crisSome readersRelease 06th April, 2024
06th April, 2024 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Central
Message Definition
Support for Message Definition has been added to our system and is now available for use.
Email Notifications
We have recently introduced Email Notifications worksheet to the Employee CSome readersRelease 22nd January, 2023
22nd January, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
Translations PM/GM
Email Notifications Reverse Issue
Some languages did not get fetched appropriately on the Email Notifications worksheet. This issue has now been fixed.
Translations Employee Profile
Tab Elements Automation Issue
Some languages did not automate as expected on the Tab Elements worksheet. This issue has nSome readersRelease 27th April, 2024
27th April, 2024 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Plan Details
A column 'Budget Rule Default Message' has been added to the Budget Rule section in the Plan Details worksheet.
Guidelines Formula
Six new columns have been added to the Guidelines Formula worksheet. These columns are labeled as 'job level', 'pay grade', 'budget group', 'custom-Some readersRelease 27th August, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Career Development Plan
Career Development Plan module is now supported on our system. Hence, we have included these worksheets – Career Worksheet, Development Plan, Learning Activity, Form Settings, Rating Scale and Route Map. Career Worksheet, Development Plan and Learning Activity are fetched from provisioning templates while Form Settings, Rating ScaleSome readersRelease 28th October, 2023
28th October, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Integration Dependency
We are excited to announce that we now support Integration for Employee Central and Recruiting Management through two platforms - SAP Integration Suite and SuccessFactors Integration Center. With this update, you can now easily connect and review data fields, saving you both time and effort.
(httpsSome readersRelease 17th February, 2023
17th February, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Role Based Permission
We have included two new options, Fetch All Except These and Fetch Only, to the RBP Config worksheet. These options have been designed to enhance the data filtration capability for our users.
With the Fetch Only option, users will now be able to select a specific number of roles to be included in theirSome readersRelease 8th January, 2023
8th January, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Import Export Data Clean Up
We are excited to announce that our new module allows for easier access and analysis of user profile data in a more efficient manner. To start utilizing this feature, all you need to do is go to the Import Data Config sheet and select the user profile section that you would like to work with. If you cSome readersRelease 1st June, 2024
1st June, 2024 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Route Map Filter
A new feature has been introduced across multiple config worksheets, including COMP Config. This enhancement significantly boosts the capability to refine route map data. Now, users can effortlessly include or exclude specific data, toggle between active or inactive route maps, or exclusively retSome readersRelease 28th August, 2023
28th August, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
EC Payroll (PTP)
We are excited to announce that we have added four new worksheets to make it simpler and easier to use ECP PTP tables with our system - these worksheets are Code Value Mapping, Proc Non-RecPayment WT, Proc WT in EC Replication, and EC EXT Mapping Config.
Employee Profile
Custom Filters
SSome readersRelease 23rd July, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To CodeBot for SAP SuccessFactors!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Central
· Alert Message
Support for Alert Message has been added. Alert Message allows the user to configure allSome readersRelease 18th May, 2024
18th May, 2024 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Career Development Plan
Development Plan
Support for Development Plan has been added to our system and is now available for use.
Business Rules Filter
A new feature has been added to several config worFew readersRelease 12th June, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
· COMP Config
COMP Config worksheet has been added to Compensation module to help you filter data in Design Worksheet, Guidelines Formula, Settings and Plan Details worksheets. It allows this by fetching data based on the specific objects included in the worksheet. This provides you with more accurate data so you can achieve better in-deptFew readersRelease 11th March, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
Manage Config UI
· Object References Validation Issue
Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough columns did not validate as expected. This issue was identified and promptly fixed.
· Roles Grant To Automation Issue
Target Population Restricted Order and Target PopulationFew readersRelease 11th February, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
EC Payroll
This module allows the user to filter out employee payroll information based on country code. It consists of eleven worksheets: Absences, Company Code, Cost Center, Deductions, ECP Config, Enterprise Structure, Payments, Payscale Structure, Payroll Area, Personnel Structure and Work Schedules. Please note that EC Payroll has been introduced as aFew readersRelease 18th December, 2023
18th December, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
Onboarding 2.0
Permission Groups Automation Issue
A new group fail to automate on Permission Groups worksheet. The issue has now been fixed.
Role Based Permission
Roles Grant To Automation Issue
Targeted Population Of and Targeted Population Group Only fields did not automate as expected on Roles GFew readersRelease 22nd May, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Central
· HRIS Elements
A new column ‘Data Type’ has been added to the HRIS elements worksheet.
· Pay Component Group
A new column ‘Maximum Decimal Places’ has been added to the pay component group worksheet.
Employee Profile
· Background Elements
Two new columns ‘Field Log Read Access’ and ‘Rating Log Read Access’ have been aFew readersRelease 02nd March, 2023
02nd March, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Email Notifications
We are delighted to share with you that we have recently added the Translations Email Notifications worksheet to our Translations Compensation and Translations Onboarding services.
Recruiting Management Help Text
We are excited to announce that our translations module has been upgradeFew readersRelease 24th July, 2023
24th July, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Onboarding 2.0
Document Templates
A new column ‘Log Read Access’ has been added to the Document Templates worksheet.
Recruiting Management
Job Application
Ten new columns ‘Field Format’, ‘Attribute - Override permission’, ‘Applicant - Override permission’, ‘Category Name’, ‘Column Name’, ‘ColumnFew readersRelease 11th September, 2023
Release 11th September, 2023
11th September, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Variable Pay
We are excited to announce that we have added seven worksheets to access and analyse Variable Pay Compensation data with our system - these worksheets are Business Goals, Design Worksheet, Form Settings, Guidelines Formula, Settings, Route Map and Manage Plan Details.
RFew readersRelease 2nd December, 2023
2nd December, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Assignment Profile
The Assignment Profile worksheet now operates by processing each section separately. This means it runs based on the selection made by the user, so you have the option to decide which sections should be processed and which you would prefer to omit.
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the foFew readersRelease 3rd April, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
· RBP Config
RBP Config allows us to filter user role assignments based on the selected status. This means that the configuration will affect three separate worksheets – RBP Roles, RBP Roles Grants To and RBP Permissions - giving you the flexibility you need to assign user roles efficiently and quickly. Please note that the default setting on the sFew readersRelease 26th June, 2023
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Career Development Plan
· Form Settings
Two new columns ‘Enable New Confirmation Experience for Sending Forms’ and ‘Show Access to Employee Growth Portfolio on Performance Management Forms’ have been added to the Form Settings worksheet.
EC Payroll
· Work Schedule Restructure
Work Schedule worksheet has been reorganized into four new worksheets - Work ScheduFew readersRelease 22nd March 2023!
22nd March, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Profile
We have included a new worksheet "EMP PROF Config" to the Employee Profile module which will greatly enhance your experience with filtering data for Background Elements, Standard Elements, Tab Elements, User Info and View Templates worksheets.
Picklist Management
We have included a new worksheet "MDF PFew readersRelease 8th September, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Microsoft 365 Excel Support
These modules – Compensation, Employee Central, Picklist Management and RBP are now available on Microsoft 365 Excel. Our clients now have the freedom to choose between Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel when choosing to apply for their SFCodeBot license.
Robotic Testing
· Robotic Employee Central Validation
Data can nowFew readersRelease 25th September, 2023
25th September, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
BTP Security
We are excited to announce that we have added five worksheets to access and analyse BTP Security data effortlessly - these worksheets are BTP Config, Identity Providers, Roles, Role Collections, and Users.
RoFew readersRelease 24th September, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Following feature is introduced on Admin Dashboard:
Test New API
Navigating to Instances Option on Admin Dashboard, you will find Add New Instance button. After clicking on this button, the Company Instance Form will appear. Once all required fields have been added, the user now has the ability to validate these credentials by clicking on Test API Credentials button.
( readersRelease 2nd January, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
· Compensation Screenshot Inclusion
Screenshots will now be generated in real time during automation for Company Settings, Copy Plan Templates, Compensation Profile, Design Worksheet, Email Notifications, Form Settings, Import Export Tables, Permission Groups, Plan Details, Route Map, Scheduled Jobs, Settings, and Statement Templates worksFew readersRelease 25th February, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Central
· Workflow, Contributors, and CC Role
Custom Fields have been included in Workflow, Contributors, and CC Role worksheets.
Support for LMS Automatic Processes has been added to our system.
(https://downloads.inteFew readersRelease 26th November, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
Employee Central
· HRIS Elements Reverse Optimization
The HRIS Elements has been refined. This will inevitably further improve the performance of reverse on this worksheet.
· Alert Message Reverse Optimization
The Alert Message worksheet has become highly efficient after this update. The capability of reverse is significantly enhanced.
· Legacy Objects ReFew readersRelease 06th August, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
· Translation – Employee Profile Inclusion
Translations for Employee Profile module is now supported on our system. Hence, we have added these worksheets – Background Elements, Standard Elements, Tab Elements Description, Tab Elements Label, View Template Descriptions, View Template Labels, and User Info.
· Translation – PMGM Inclusion
TransFew readersRelease 6th April, 2023!
06th April, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Central
Message Definition
Support for Message Definition has been added to our system and is now available for use.
( readersRelease 8th May, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
· RBP Roles Audit
Roles Audit presents a new approach to analyzing RBP data. It works by accumulating data from several worksheets. The user information from RBP Group Audits is combined with permissions from RBP Config. For better visualization, each role name is categorized on the basis of group name, which helps to simplify the understanding ofFew readersRelease 5th June, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Configuration UI
· Object Groups
Six new columns ‘Format String’, ‘Chart Type’, ‘Token / Object ID’, ‘Token / Group ID’, ‘Token’ and ‘Value Resolver’ have been added to the Object Groups worksheet.
· Object References
A new column ‘Default Collapsed’ has been added to the Object References worksheet.
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in thFew readersRelease 5th November, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
Employee Central
· MDF Objects, MDF Association and MDF Objects Fields Reverse Issue
Some data inconsistencies emerged on MDF Objects, MDF Objects Fields and MDF Association while generating workbooks. The issue was identified and promptly fixed.
· Workflows, Contributors, CC Roles Automation Issue
Certain fields did not automate correctly while executinFew readersRelease 22nd March, 2023
22nd March, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Employee Profile
We have included a new worksheet "EMP PROF Config" to the Employee Profile module which will greatly enhance your experience with filtering data for Background Elements, Standard Elements, Tab Elements, User Info and View Templates worksheets.
Picklist Management
We have included a new worksheet "MDF PicFew readersRelease 18th November, 2023
18th November, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Role Based Permissions
Field Override
Field Override permissions have been detached from the Role Permissions worksheet and are now in a separate worksheet called 'Field Override'. By separating these fields, it allows for better permissions management and more precise customization for your specific roles and responsibFew readersRelease 10th July, 2023!
10th July, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Route Map
A new column ‘Iterative Button Text’ has been added to the Route Map worksheet.
Route Map
A new column ‘Iterative Button Text’ has been added to the Route Map worksheet.
We have implemented support for a new date format dd/MMM/yyyy (08/Jul/2023) acFew readersRelease 9th October, 2023
9th October, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
ECP Security
We are excited to announce that we have added three worksheets to access and analyse ECP Security data effortlessly - these worksheets are ECP Security Config, Roles Audits and Users Roles.
Employee Central
MDF Objects Fields
An entire new section with four columns ‘Condition / Object ID’, ‘Few readersRelease 22nd October, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
Deprecated Sheets:
The sheets in the following modules have been deprecated:
Employee Central
HRIS Elements worksheet on our system has been updated. A new column, ‘Customer Notes’ has been added.
Continuous Performance Management worksheet has been renamed to ‘CPM’.
BUG Fixes:
We have identified bugs in the following modules:
· Robotics RCM
Internal Posting and External Posting url links diFew readersRelease 06th February, 2023
06th February, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
EC Benefits
We are excited to announce that we have added a few dozen worksheets to access and analyse the submodule of Employee Central - Global Benefits data within our system - these worksheets are Benefit, Benefit Documentation, Benefit Legal Entity, Benefits Overview Hyperlink, Benefit Pension Fund, Benefit Program, BenefFew readersRelease 09th March, 2023
09th March, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Recruiting Management
We have included a new worksheet "RCM Config" to the RCM module which will greatly enhance your experience with filtering data for Applications, Offer Letter Templates, Permission Groups, Rating Scale, Requisitions, Route Map and Status Sets worksheets. With the new filtration capability, you will have accFew readersRelease 14th January, 2023
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Position Management
Support for Position Management Settings has been added to our system. The module consists of five sheets: Position Management Settings, Mass Data Management, MDF Objects, MDF Objects Fields, and MDF Objects Associations.Few readersRelease 10th Sept, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Following feature is introduced on Admin Dashboard:
User Creation and Permission
A new user account on SAP SuccessFactors can now be automatically created through SFCodeBot and the permissions for that user can be assigned with just a few clicks away. An API Key and a Certificate Token is also generated in the process which saves additional time for our client. This feature is known as SFSF Configuration.
(https:/Few readersRelease 7th August, 2023
7th August, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
We are excited to announce the completion of Integrations module. This module helps to specify which fields are connected to entities in a particular module and we currently offer support for the Employee Central module. We plan to add support for a couple more modules in the near future.
(https://storaFew readersRelease 8th October, 2022
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
New Features:
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Microsoft 365 Excel Support
These modules – Compensation, Employee Central, Picklist Management and RBP are now available on Microsoft 365 Excel. Our clients now have the freedom to choose between Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel when choosing to apply for their SFCodeBot license.
Robotic Testing
· Robotic Employee Central Validation
Data can nowFew readersRelease 6th July, 2024
6th July, 2024 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
What’s New:
New Features and Enhancements have been introduced in the following modules.
A new column, "Job Information Effective Date" has been added to the Settings worksheet. This column provides a clear and precise record of when job information is updated.
Two new columns have been introduced in the Form Settings worksheet: "Ignore warnings when publishing from Compensation to Employee CentraFew readersRelease 3rd August, 2024
3rd August, 2024 Release
What's New on Site?
Welcome to SF CodeBot!
What’s New:
New Features and Enhancements have been introduced.
Time Tracking:
We are delighted to announce that CodeBot now fully supports the SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking module. By leveraging CodeBot's RPA capabilities, organizations can now implement and optimize their time tracking and attendance management processes, leading to enhanced, error-free population and manipulation of data. This module contFew readersRelease 20th July, 2024
20th July, 2024 Release
What's New on Site?
Welcome to SF CodeBot!
What’s New:
New Features and Enhancements have been introduced in the following modules.
Employee Central Payroll:
Two new columns ‘PS Grouping’ and ‘DWS Grouping’ have been introduced to the ECP Config worksheet in order to enhance the filtering capabilities of certain worksheets. PS Grouping has been added to improve the data accuracy for Absences worksheet, while, DWS Grouping has been added to narrow down sFew readersRelease 31st August, 2024.
31st August, 2024 Release
What's New on Site?
Welcome to SF CodeBot!
What’s New:
New Features and Enhancements have been introduced.
Talent Intelligence Hub:
We are excited to announce that CodeBot now fully supports the SAP SuccessFactors Talent Intelligence Hub. With CodeBot's RPA capabilities, organizations can seamlessly implement and optimize their talent management processes, ensuring accurate, error-free population and manipulation of talent data.
This module features a totFew readersRelease 28 September, 2024
28 September, 2024 Release
What's New on Site?
Welcome to SF CodeBot!
What’s New:
New Features and Enhancements have been introduced.
Variable Pay
4 new columns: Eligibility Fields EC Category, Eligibility Fields EC Component Name, Eligibility Fields EC Fields, Eligibility Fields EC Field - Filter by field type, have been added to the Design worksheet of the Variable Pay module.
Eligibility Fields EC Category: Specifies the Employee Central component from which data wFew readers