Release 6th April, 2023!
06th April, 2023 Release
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
Message Definition
Support for Message Definition has been added to our system and is now available for use.

Email Notifications
We have recently introduced Email Notifications worksheet to the Employee Central module.
Trigger Rules MDF
We have recently introduced Trigger Rules MDF worksheet to the Position Management module.
RBP Role Permissions
We have included three new columns namely, "Permission Level 1", "Permission Level 2" and "Permission Level 3+" to make it easier for our users to view the permission names. These columns will provide a clear and organized display of the different permission levels available.
In addition, we have also added a fourth column called "Process Permission" which allows our users to configure each permission individually. This feature gives you more control over the permissions and allows you to customize them according to your specific needs.
**Alert Message**
Support for Alert Message Translations has been added to our system and is now available for use.

We have included a new worksheet "Trans Rec Config" to the Translations RCM module which will greatly enhance your experience with filtering data for Template Names, Template Field Labels, Template Field Descriptions and Template Field Enum Values worksheets.
Bonus Plans
Support for Bonus Plans has been added to our system and is now available for use.

**Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules**
Support for Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules has been added to our system and is now available for use.

Import Export Business Goal Weights
Support for Import Export Business Goal Weights has been added to our system and is now available for use.

The sheets in the following modules have been deprecated:
Employee Central
Email Notifications and Message Definition worksheets have been added.
Trans RCM Config worksheet has been added in Translations RCM while, Trans Alert Message worksheet has been added in Translations EC.
Role Based Permission
RBP Role Permissions worksheet has been updated.
Variable Pay
Bonus Plans, Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules and Import Export Business Goal Weights worksheets have been added.
What's New On Site?
Welcome To SF CodeBot!
**New Features:**
Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:
**Employee Central**
Message Definition
Support for Message Definition has been added to our system and is now available for use.

Email Notifications
We have recently introduced Email Notifications worksheet to the Employee Central module.
**Position Management**
Trigger Rules MDF
We have recently introduced Trigger Rules MDF worksheet to the Position Management module.
**Role Based Permission**
RBP Role Permissions
We have included three new columns namely, "Permission Level 1", "Permission Level 2" and "Permission Level 3+" to make it easier for our users to view the permission names. These columns will provide a clear and organized display of the different permission levels available.
In addition, we have also added a fourth column called "Process Permission" which allows our users to configure each permission individually. This feature gives you more control over the permissions and allows you to customize them according to your specific needs.
**Translations Employee Central**
**Alert Message**
Support for Alert Message Translations has been added to our system and is now available for use.

**Translations Recruiting Management**
We have included a new worksheet "Trans Rec Config" to the Translations RCM module which will greatly enhance your experience with filtering data for Template Names, Template Field Labels, Template Field Descriptions and Template Field Enum Values worksheets.
**Variable Pay**
Bonus Plans
Support for Bonus Plans has been added to our system and is now available for use.

**Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules**
Support for Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules has been added to our system and is now available for use.

Import Export Business Goal Weights
Support for Import Export Business Goal Weights has been added to our system and is now available for use.

**Deprecated Sheets:**
The sheets in the following modules have been deprecated:
Employee Central
Email Notifications and Message Definition worksheets have been added.
Trans RCM Config worksheet has been added in Translations RCM while, Trans Alert Message worksheet has been added in Translations EC.
Role Based Permission
RBP Role Permissions worksheet has been updated.
Variable Pay
Bonus Plans, Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules and Import Export Business Goal Weights worksheets have been added.
Updated on: 21/05/2024
Thank you!