Articles on: Release Notes

Release 27th August, 2022

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New Features:

Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:

Career Development Plan

Career Development Plan module is now supported on our system. Hence, we have included these worksheets – Career Worksheet, Development Plan, Learning Activity, Form Settings, Rating Scale and Route Map. Career Worksheet, Development Plan and Learning Activity are fetched from provisioning templates while Form Settings, Rating Scale and Route Map are fetched from navigating to Form Template Settings, Rating Scale, and Manage Route Maps screens respectively, on SAP SuccessFactors.

· Career Worksheet

· Development Goal

· Learning Activity

· Form Settings

· Rating Scale

· Route Map

Deprecated Sheets:

The sheets in the following modules have been deprecated:

Employee Central

Permission Groups worksheet on our system will now be called as “Workflow Groups”.


Goal Templates (Provisioning) worksheet on our system has been updated.

BUG Fixes:

We have identified bugs in the following modules:

Translation Employee Profile

· Translation Employee Profile – Template Name Issue

Certain names on Template Name column for Background Elements, Standard Elements, Tab Elements Description, Tab Elements Label, User Info, View Template Descriptions and View Template Labels; did not appear correctly during the generation of worksheet. This problem has been resolved to improve clarity.

· Translation Employee Profile - User Info CustomCriticalTalentComment Not Found

CustomCriticalTalentComment object could not be fetched during reverse on Translations User Info worksheet. This issue is now fixed.

· Translation Employee Profile – Unexpected Error On Background Elements

An unexpected error appeared on Employee Profile Translation Background Elements. As a result, the automation and validation functionalities were affected on the worksheet. With this update, this error will longer emerge again.


· PM/GM - Templates Goal (Provisioning) Reverse Issue

The data on Templates Goal_Prov worksheet did not fetch correctly during the generation of workbook. This problem has been resolved.

· PM/GM - Templates PM Configuration Issue

Templates PM worksheet did not validate as it should due to interruption caused by an error. This issue has been resolved.

· PM/GM - Templates PM Optimization

The validation functionality on Templates PM worksheet is significantly improved. The user will observe high accuracy while executing the sheet.

Updated on: 18/05/2024

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