Articles on: Release Notes

Release 14th January, 2023

What's New On Site?

Welcome To SF CodeBot!

New Features:

Notable changes have been introduced in the following modules:

Position Management

Support for Position Management Settings has been added to our system. The module consists of five sheets: Position Management Settings, Mass Data Management, MDF Objects, MDF Objects Fields, and MDF Objects Associations.

BUG Fixes:

We have identified bugs in the following modules:


· Scheduled Jobs Validation Issue

Recurring Yearly column on Scheduled Jobs did not validate as expected. The issue was identified and promptly fixed.


· Email Templates Automation Issue

An unexpected error occurred while executing automation on Email Templates. The issue was identified and promptly fixed.


· Templates Goal Automation Issue

An unexpected error had disturbed the functionality of automation on Templates Goal. The issue was identified and promptly fixed.

Updated on: 08/06/2024

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