Articles on: Codebot for SAP SuccessFactors

Company Admin Manual

Admin Manual

Companies- Companies are client organizations. In CodeBot, the company creates a specific environment for users and instances, as well as workspaces and iterations. The Company Environment is 100% self-contained: users, instances, workspaces, and iterations cannot be shared across companies. If necessary, CodeBot clients can license multiple Company Accounts.

Users – Users are employees on the client side. Users can be added to multiple companies. These user accounts across multiple companies are totally separate. Users are unable to share workspaces or iterations across companies.

Instances- Instances are Company IDs. Each client or partner instance needs to be added to a company individually. Instances are not shared across companies.

User Roles

General User – General Users do not have access to any admin capabilites.

Company Admin – Company admins can add users and set user permissions. Company admins can add instances (though it is most common to fill in the Add Instance Form and let CodeBot add the instances).

User Permissions

Modules- Users can be restricted to have access to only certain modules.

Actions – In each module that the user has access to, the Company Admin can customize that user’s action-permissions per module.

*For example, a user could be set up so they only have access to the EC and RBP modules. In EC, that user’s action-permissions could include all actions (Generate Workbook, Start Configuration, Compare, and Validate). However, in RBP, that user might be restricted for Start Configruation, so they’ll only have access to Generate Workbooks, Validate, and Compare configuration.

Sharing – Users can be restricted from sharing Workspaces. These users can still access workspaces that have been shared to them, but they cannot share workspaces with other users.

Instances – Users will be able to see all added instances to their drop-down window in the Add Iteration page, however, CodeBot can force those uses to a specific SAP SuccessFactors user when any instance is selected. This prevents CodeBot users from accessing instances under the incorrect user.

Updated on: 22/08/2024

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