Articles on: Compensation

COMP - How to update Company Settings in Compensation using CodeBot

This article is useful if you want to have an understanding about how to update Company settings in Compensation using CodeBot for SAP SuccessFactors.

In the following example, we will have a look on how to change the status of Company Settings using CodeBot.

Start by navigating to the O365 workbook. Open the Company Settings Tab and change the status from true to false and vice versa by selecting few settings.

Match these with the instance. So that you can identify the changes later.

Once the changes are done, close the O365 Workbook and back in CodeBot from the actions menu click the hamburger menu and select start configuration.

Enter the SuccessFactors password, execution notes and select Company Settings from the advanced options and hit confirm and start.

Click the i icon to see the progress.

Refresh the logs to get the updated information and the screenshots of the execution.

When the execution completes, the workbook highlights the changes in green as shown below.

Lastly, go to the successfactors instance, select compensation home. Then click actions for all plans.

Now in company settings notice the company settings have been updated and changes are pushed from the workbook.

Updated on: 18/05/2024

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